ASHA Workload Calculator

This page is designed to assist you identify your workload responsibilities in relation to your contractually obligated employment hours and focus on workload factors specific to your caseload. First, review the background information on workload and caseload. Then, complete one of the editions of the ASHA Workload Calculator. Next, take a closer look at your caseload and how it may be impacting your workload. Finally, develop a Workload Action Plan to address your unique workload issues.

Step 1: Learn about the ASHA Workload Calculator.

Read over the definitions of workload and caseload and familiarize yourself with the ASHA Workload Calculator through the PowerPoint presentation [PDF] that highlights ASHA’s position on workload, background information and implementation.

Use the Workload Factors that Contribute to Overwhelm checklist [PDF] and priority setting matrix to identify the workload tasks that contribute to feelings of overwhelm, define action steps and adjust tasks to address these issues. This is important to do before using the Workload Calculator tools to pinpoint your unique challenges. Overwhelm may lead to burnout, impacting overall well-being and job performance. Identifying and addressing these factors will help develop a plan that is right for you.

Workload consists of all the activities required to effectively manage caseload. The ASHA Workload Calculator is designed to help school based SLPs identify the amount of time spent on direct and indirect services, compliance, including paperwork, and other daily activities. Gain insights on how your weekly scheduled hours compare to the number of actual hours spent performing each task and see a breakdown of your workload activities. 

Caseload refers to the number of students served by school-based speech-language pathologists (SLPs) and other professionals through direct and/or indirect service delivery options. Students on an SLPs caseload typically receive speech and language services within the special education or other instructional settings in schools through the following:

  • Individualized Education Programs (IEPs)
  • Individualized Family Service Plans (IFSPs)
  • 504 plans

While the number of students on an SLP’s caseload is a critical piece of a school-based SLPs work, it does not constitute all the responsibilities of that practitioner. In conjunction with the ASHA Workload Calculator, the newly developed ASHA Workload Analysis Calculator can help school-based SLPs identify the amount of time they spend addressing workload activities for each student on their caseload. School-based providers can also gain insights on actual hours spent providing direct and indirect services; tasks/activities that are needed to meet compliance requirements; and the completion of other activities for students on your caseload outside the mandated service hours on students' IEPs. The ASHA Workload Analysis Calculator will help you to see a breakdown of your activities for each student on your caseload.

Step 2: Choose and complete one of the three editions of the ASHA Workload Calculator.

Complete one of the three editions of the ASHA Workload Calculator.

  • Weekly edition [XLS] – this worksheet allows you to identify workload responsibilities over the course of a typical workweek (Monday through Friday).
  • Monthly edition [XLS] – this worksheet allows you to identify workload responsibilities over the course of a typical month.
  • Telepractice Edition [XLS] – this worksheet allows you to identify the amount of time spent preparing and learning to use technology to deliver speech-language services, and meet federal, state, and district mandates.

Uncovering the 'Hidden Minutes' of Workload

ASHA member and SLP Matt Hott shares advice on how to use the school workload tools to uncover the hidden minutes within the school SLP workload.

Step 3: Analyze how your work with each student contributes to your workload.

Complete one of the editions of the ASHA Workload Analysis Calculator if you want to analyze how each student on your caseload contributes to your overall workload. 

  • Weekly Edition [XLS]
    The weekly Excel worksheet allows you to identify caseload responsibilities over the course of a typical work week (Monday through Friday.)
  • Monthly Edition [XLS]
    The monthly worksheet allows you to identify caseload responsibilities over the course of a typical month.

Step 4: Create an action plan to identify your top three workload priorities and how to address them.

Create a workload action plan that identifies your top three workload priorities and how to address them.

  • Workload Action Plan [PDF]
    After completing the ASHA Workload Calculator, develop an action plan using this chart.
  • Advocate for using a workload model to determine caseload size using these talking points for advocacy and the data from the ASHA Workload Calculator and/or Workload Analysis Calculator

Solution-Based Advocacy with Workload Tools

ASHA member and SLP Christina Bradburn shares solution-based advocacy strategies utilizing our workload tools.

Contacts for support:

Step 5: Discuss workload and data from calculator with your administrator.

Use this template letter to your administrator [DOC] to request a meeting to go over data from the calculator, highlight results, and identify next steps to address workload successes and challenges.

The Value of Workload Tools from an Administrator’s Perspective

SLP Verna Chinen, ASHA member and administrator, explains the reasons administrators may find value in utilizing workload data.


In Their Own Words

Fellow SLPs talk about ASHA's Workload Calculator:

"ASHA’s calculator can support our efforts to advocate for a type of service delivery, a smaller caseload, or additional personnel."
Dawn Merth-Johnson, Iowa-Grant School District, Wisconsin
"The data from this calculator can certainly help administrators more fully grasp the many critical responsibilities of SLPs. "
Melissa Eldred, Lafayette Township School, New Jersey

Share your feedback on the workload calculator.

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