Press Room

In the News

Will AirPods Beat Out OTC Hearing Aids as Devices More People Will Use?
ASHA Senior Director of Audiology Practices Tricia Ashby was interviewed by CNET for an article about audio amplification features in popular earbuds.

Difficulty Speaking Could Be Signs of Dysarthria
Discover interviewed ASHA Associate Director of Health Care Services in Speech-Language Pathology Brooke Hatfield for an article about possible signs of dysarthria.

ASHA’s Developmental Milestones: Communication (Hearing, Speech, and Language)

Lemmietta McNeilly, PhD, CCC-SLP, ASHA Chief Staff Officer for Speech-Language Pathology, shares important information about ASHA’s new communication milestones and how they should be used by families.


Campaign Spotlight

National Speech-Language-Hearing Month

national broadcast public service announcement (PSA) campaign launched by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) showcases the life-altering treatment outcomes made possible with care from audiologists and speech-language pathologists.

See more campaigns.

Featured Resource


ASHA's new developmental milestones are available in checklists that detail communication (speech, language, and hearing) milestones for children ages birth to 5 years as well as feeding and swallowing milestones for children ages birth to 3 years. 


Media Contacts

Senior Director, Public Relations
Joseph Cerquone
703-973-7744 (Mobile)

Associate Director, Public Relations
Francine Pierson

Manager, Broadcast Media
Doug Plesh

Specialist, Public Relations
Jeremi Jones

ASHA Corporate Partners