Applying for the Grant Program for Projects on Multicultural Activities

Application Process

Applications for the Grant Program for Projects on Multicultural Activities must be submitted by April 21, 2025. Proposals receiving funding will be announced by July 7, 2025.

  1. Develop a project proposal that includes:
    • an abstract (200 words or less)
    • a detailed project narrative (2,000 words or less) that describes
      • the need for the project, including degree of impact;
      • project objectives and how they are consistent with those of the grant program;
      • a plan to meet project objectives that includes specific activities, a time line for their accomplishment, the person(s) responsible for executing the plan, and a description of what will happen to the project once ASHA funding has ended;
      • a means for evaluating this project including meeting stated objectives, quantifiable outcomes, impact, a client/patient/consumer feedback component, if appropriate; and
      • a plan for dissemination, including how others—i.e., individuals, programs, associations or organizations—will access, be informed of, benefit from, replicate, etc. the project results.

      Note: The 2,000 word count refers to the project narrative and includes any charts, graphs, footnotes, and attachments. The word count does not include the abstract, budget justification, or the letter of support.

  2. Complete the Budget Form including any information that supports fund allocation.  
  3. Obtain one letter of support. The letter should be written by someone who can attest to the project director's capability in completing the project.
  4. Submit the complete proposal.

Submit Your Application

Evaluation Process

A Review Panel consisting of members of the ASHA Multicultural Issues Board (MIB) will evaluate proposals. Members of the Review Panel will exclude themselves from reviewing proposals where a conflict of interest may exist.

A staff member from the ASHA Office of Multicultural Affairs will coordinate the Review Panel. The coordinator's evaluation of a proposal will be considered only when a panel member must be excluded from reviewing a specific proposal due to conflict of interest or when the panel's ratings do not provide a clear-cut decision on a specific proposal.

Each reviewer will assign up to 100 points to each proposal as follows:

Need for the project, including degree of impact 0–25 points
Plan of operation 0–25 points
Evaluation plan 0–10 points
Dissemination Plan 0–15 points
Budget/Cost effectiveness/Justification 0–25 points

Proposals will then be ranked according to the average number of points awarded and any additional comments made by members of the Review Panel. In addition to the Review Panel's numerical ratings and critical comments, funding decisions are made with consideration given to factors such as the project's similarity to previously funded projects, overlap with other Association efforts, area(s) of practice, timeliness, projected impact, anticipated return on investment, and ability to respond to members' needs.

Disbursement of Funds

One-half of the funding will be provided upon receipt of the signed agreement letter. The balance of the funding will be provided upon receipt of an Interim Report which must be submitted by December 1, 2025.

Project Completion

By December 4, 2026:

  • A Final Report, which includes a project summary and final budget, must be submitted.
  • Information about the project must be submitted as an initiative to the Have You Heard microsite.

Questions or inquiries should be directed to Karen Beverly-Ducker at

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