Audiology ICD-10-CM Code Changes for 2021

The following new and revised ICD-10-CM (International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, Clinical Modification) codes were effective October 1, 2020, for fiscal year (FY) 2021. ICD-10-CM codes are updated annually. For current updates, see audiology ICD-10-CM code changes for FY 2023.

There were no major changes to ICD-10 codes related to audiology for FY 2021. However, audiologists should be aware of new ICD-10 codes related to COVID-19, which were published off-cycle in 2020 and 2021. Vestibular audiologists should also be aware of two new and revised codes related to eye movements.

On this page:

FY 2021 Updates

New and Revised ICD-10-CM Codes

The following updates were effective October 1, 2020. There were no deleted codes related to hearing and vestibular disorders for 2021.

H55.82  Deficient smooth pursuit eye movements (new)

H55.81  Deficient saccadic eye movements (revised from H55.81 Saccadic eye movements)

2020 and 2021 Off-Cycle COVID-19 Updates

The following ICD-10-CM codes describe conditions related to or caused by COVID-19. They were published outside of the annual update cycle to allow more accurate reporting during the current COVID-19 public health emergency. Consult the medical record or referring physician before reporting a medical diagnosis in addition to the treating diagnosis. For additional details, see FAQs Regarding ICD-10-CM Coding for COVID-19 (AHA).  

New 2020 ICD-10-CM Codes

The following code was effective April 1, 2020

U07.1     COVID-19

New 2021 ICD-10-CM Codes

The following codes were effective January 1, 2021.

J12.82    Pneumonia due to coronavirus disease 2019

M35.81   Multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS)

M35.89   Other specified systemic involvement of connective tissue

Z11.52    Encounter for screening for COVID-19

Z20.822  Contact with and (suspected) exposure to COVID-19

Z86.16    Personal history of COVID-19

ASHA Notes

  • For confirmed active cases of COVID-19, use U07.1.
    • Code the associated hearing or vestibular disorder secondary to U07.1 when the disorder is directly caused by, but is not inherent to, COVID-19.
  • For suspected cases of COVID-19, use Z20.822 and/or the presenting signs and symptoms.
  • For resolved cases of COVID-19 use Z86.16 or B94.8 (sequelae of other specified infectious and parasitic diseases), secondary to the treating ICD-10-CM code(s) (e.g., hearing loss).
    • Z86.16 describes patients with a confirmed case of COVID-19 but who are no longer infected (resolved COVID-19). Use this code when COVID-19 is a factor in the reason for the visit, but is not the direct cause of the hearing or vestibular disorder.
    • B94.8 is not a new code but is also used for patients with resolved COVID-19. Use this code when there is clear documentation that the hearing or vestibular disorder is directly caused by COVID-19. (Note: This guidance has changed. Please see FY 2022 updates for current information.)
    • There is no time limit on when personal history or sequelae codes may be used.


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