About Special Interest Group 7, Auditory Rehabilitation


To support and connect an active community of professionals who maximize communication and quality of life across a range of abilities related to hearing and other functions of the ear through shared knowledge and resources.


To promote comprehensive, culturally sensitive, evidence-based, and patient/person/family-centered auditory rehabilitation (AR) practices by audiologists and speech-language pathologists.


To meet its mission, SIG 7 will strive to attain the following goals:

  • Advocate within ASHA wherein we advise and make recommendations about policies, procedures, and guidelines relating to AR.
  • Promote federal and state policies regarding reimbursement services for AR.
  • Disseminate information to the public that highlights the contributions of audiologists and speech-language pathologists to the health and well-being of individuals served and their families.
  • Encourage interprofessional communication and practices as an important part of AR.
  • Provide a forum for identifying research needs, exchanging ideas, and sharing information to facilitate evidenced-based practices in AR.
  • Plan and conduct continuing education for SIG Affiliates and other segments of the Association.

Topic Areas

SIG 7 provides an opportunity for Affiliates to discuss, learn, and share ideas about topical areas that include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Counseling for psychosocial factors unique to individuals and families affected by auditory, tinnitus, and/or vestibular conditions
  • Selection, evaluation, and management of sensory aids (including hearing aids) and implantable devices 
  • Auditory, visual, and/or auditory visual training 
  • Speech perception and production intervention for people with hearing loss 
  • Communication facilitation and repair strategies for people with hearing loss and their communication partners 
  • Tinnitus management 
  • Vestibular rehabilitation 
  • Habilitation and rehabilitation of auditory processing abilities
  • Cognitive and linguistic intervention for people with hearing loss 
  • Treatment and intervention service delivery, including interprofessional practice, patient- and family-centered care, and innovative models 
  • Science of auditory rehabilitation, including theory, measurement of outcomes, clinical practice research, and dissemination of evidence-based practices 
  • Policy issues and advocacy, including advancing equity, inclusion, and access to culturally competent AR

Affiliate Benefits and SIG Programs

Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups

Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups is the online peer-reviewed scholarly review journal of the SIGs. SIG 7 offers new self-study CE activities through Perspectives each year.

Continuing Education

Earn ASHA continuing education (CEUs) through

  • Self-study of Perspectives and pay the lowest processing fee to take the learning assessments
  • SIG sponsored Master Classes and one-hour sessions at the annual ASHA Convention.


SIG 7 Affiliates have access to exclusive discussion forums/groups, which provide the opportunity to interact with other SIG Affiliates who share interest in auditory rehabilitation. Use ASHA's Member Directory to search for individuals by SIG affiliation. In addition, SIG 7 Affiliates can meet in person and online at an ASHA and SIG 7 sponsored events; typically each SIG hosts an Affiliates meeting at Convention and sponsors a virtual open house.

Representation Within ASHA

  • The SIG 7 Coordinator represents the Special Interest Group on Aural Rehabilitation and Its Instrumentation within the ASHA Board of Special Interest Group Coordinators.
  • The Coordinating Committee responds to ASHA requests for input regarding policy, guidelines, committees, and other issues.
  • Affiliates have the opportunity to provide input to the SIG leadership and ASHA.

Coordinating Committee Members

  • 2025–2025 Coordinator: Alice Henton, University of Montevallo
  • 2025–2025 Associate Coordinator: Katharine Fitzharris, Wichita State University
  • 2023–2025 Editor: Brittan Barker, Utah State University
  • 2024–2026 Professional Development Manager: Lipika Sarangi, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
  • 2024–2026 Member-at-Large: Ashley Irick, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
  • Ex Officio: Lindsay S. Creed, Associate Director, Audiology Practices, ASHA

Editorial Board

View the Editorial Board Roster for Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups.

Professional Development Committee

  • Lipika Sarangi, Professional Development Manager
  • Harvey B. Abrams
  • Ashley Earp
  • Katharine L. Fitzharris
  • Brittan A. Barker, Editor
  • Lindsay S. Creed, Ex Officio

Liaisons to the ASHA Board of Directors

  • Kevin Kock, 2025–2027 Vice President for Audiology Practice
  • Ryan M. Lee James, 2024–2026 Vice President for Speech-Language Pathology Practice

ASHA Corporate Partners