Submitting Certification Maintenance Compliance Forms

All Certificate holders must submit a Certification Maintenance Compliance Form to verify completion of the certification maintenance requirement. This is due on or before December 31 of the year your interval is completed, but may be submitted at any time within your 3-year maintenance interval after the hours have been accumulated.

Beginning with certificate holders in the January 1, 2023–December 31, 2025 maintenance interval: Out of 30 required professional development hours (PDHs) for certification maintenance, at least 2 hours must be in cultural competency (CC), cultural humility, culturally responsive practice, or diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI)

Beginning with certificate holders in the January 1, 2020–December 31, 2022 maintenance interval: Out of 30 required PDHs for certification maintenance, at least 1 hour must be in the area of ethics.

Submit Online

Once you have completed all 30 PDHs for your current interval, including professional development requirements for the areas of ethics and CC/DEI, you can quickly and easily submit your Compliance Form online.

  • Login to the My Account section of the ASHA website.
  • Under your account number, there is a section called "Certification and Supervision." Select the certification maintenance interval link under that heading—e.g., "2022–2024 Certification Maintenance Overview (Submit your Compliance Form)."
  • This link will bring you to a dashboard with an overview of your certification maintenance information. Click the "Submit My Compliance Form" button to start the submission process.
  • Complete the Compliance Form by reading over the statements, checking "I AGREE," and typing in your electronic signature. Click "Submit your Compliance Form" and then click "Yes, submit to ASHA" when the pop-up prompts you to confirm.
  • Once you submit, you will be redirected to a confirmation page that (a) indicates your form has been received and (b) provides the dates of your next maintenance interval. You will also be notified if you have been chosen for a certification maintenance audit with additional instructions.

Please note: There is no need to submit certificates and supporting documents unless you have been selected to participate in the audit.

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