Bloom's Taxonomy*
Benjamin Bloom developed this framework to categorize and align educational goals with instruction and assessment. It’s a helpful tool for designing learning outcomes, planning teaching methods, and crafting learning assessments.
As you develop learning outcomes and assessments, consider the following questions:
Category | Teaching Methodology and Learner Outcome Examples |
Knowledge |
Teaching Methodology: Observe and recall information; knowledge of dates, events, places; knowledge of major ideas; mastery of subject matter Skill Demonstration: Create opportunities that assess knowledge. Examples include:
Learner Outcome Example: "As a result of this activity the participant will be able to list the clinical criteria for diagnosing autism."" Assessment Type Example: Written or Oral Quiz/exam. This tests the learner’s ability to recall facts and provide definitions. |
Comprehension |
Teaching Methodology: Understanding information; grasp meaning; translate knowledge into new context; interpret facts, compare, contrast; order, group, infer causes; predict consequences Skill Demonstration: Create opportunities that assess comprehension. Examples include:
Learner Outcome Example: "As a result of this activity, the participant will be able to summarize treatment strategies for individuals with auditory processing disorders." Assessment Type Example: Self-Assessment/Reflection and Intent to Change statements. Learners can clarify what or how much they learned, and how they might intend to use the latest information they’ve acquired. This type of assessment is not typically graded. |
Application |
Teaching Methodology: Use information; use methods, concepts, theories in new situations; solve problems using required skills or knowledge Skill Demonstration: Create opportunities that assess application. Examples include:
Learner Outcome Example: "As a result of this activity, the participant will be able to apply a video head impulse test (vHIT) to diagnose vestibular deficits" Assessment Type Examples:
Analysis |
Teaching Methodology: See patterns; organize parts; recognize hidden meanings; identify components Skill Demonstration: Create opportunities that assess analysis. Examples include:
Learner Outcome Example: "As a result of this activity, the participant will be able to connect social determinants of health to their clinical scopes and responsibilities." Assessment Type Examples:
Synthesis |
Teaching Methodology: Use old ideas to create new ones; generalize from given facts; relate knowledge from several areas; predict; drawn conclusions Skill Demonstration:Create opportunities that assess synthesis. Examples include:
Learner Outcome Example: "As a result of this activity, the participant will be able to integrate play-based learning into their clinical sessions." Assessment Type Examples:
Evaluation |
Teaching Methodology: Compare and discriminate between ideas; assess value of theories; presentations; make choices based on reasoned argument; verify value of evidence; recognize subjectivity Skill Demonstration: Create opportunities that assess evaluation. Examples include:
Learner Outcome Example: "As a result of this activity, the participant will be able to compare the outcomes of multiple treatment methods for childhood apraxia of speech." Assessment Type Example:
*Adapted from: Bloom, B.S. (Ed.) (1956) Taxonomy of educational objectives: The classification of educational goals: Handbook I, cognitive domain. New York; Toronto: Longmans, Green.