Committee on Nominations and Elections

Liaisons with the Immediate Past President


Provide a slate of at least two but no more than three candidates for each at large BOD member (contested) office to be filled on the BOD; provide a sole candidate for each uncontested office to be filled on the BOD; review, as necessary, procedures for increasing ASHA members’ awareness of candidates for national office; provide input regarding the nominations and election process to ASHA National Office staff; provide oversight on the national election process; and periodically review the campaign and election practices for the BOD.


The CNE will be composed of nine voting ASHA members, including the President-Elect and the Immediate Past President, serving as Chair. The term of office for the President-Elect and Immediate Past President shall be for 1 year. All other committee members shall be appointed by the Committee on Committees. Their term of office shall be for 3 years, or until their successor is appointed, and shall begin on January 1. Their terms shall be staggered. Three (3) ASHA member audiologists, three ASHA member speech-language pathologists and one from either profession will be appointed by the Committee on Committees. Position appointments shall be staggered.  One of the seven appointed members shall be a past member of the Board of Directors. Every effort should be made to select a board member who has served within the last 5 years.


  • Tena McNamara, Chair and Board Liaison
  • Linda Rosa-Lugo
  • Grace Hao
  • Janice Trent
  • Yoko Ishii
  • Robert M. Melchionna
  • Steven P. Vertz
  • Elizabeth Walker


3 years


  • ​Review nominations electronically
  • Participate in 4–6 conference calls annually
  • 2 meetings annually (January and Committee Day at the ASHA Convention)
  • 20 hours per month from December–January
  • 5 hours per month the rest of the year

Desired Service Qualifications/Experiences

  • Current ASHA member and through service if appointed
  • ASHA membership for at least 10 years

Note: The CNE conducts much of its business electronically. As such, computer and internet access is required for service.

Staff Liaison

Andrea Falzarano (

ASHA Corporate Partners