Summary of Newborn Hearing Screening Protocols

Protocol Population Primary Advantages Limitations Equipment Costs
A: ABR only NICU or Well-Baby Nursery Lower fail rate than OAE only ref?; Will aid in detecting neural hearing loss Misses mild hearing loss 3(unless low stimulus level is used) ABR Disposable costs higher than OAE only, initial test time greater than OAE only
B: OAE only Well-Baby Nursery Lowest disposable costs Misses neural hearing loss (low prevalence in WIN)1; high fail rate of all protocols OAE Disposable and test time lowest; follow up costs higher than ABR due to higher refer rate
C: Two Tier: OAE with ABR rescreen only if OAE is failed Well-Baby Nursery Lower fail rate than OAE only 7 Misses mostly mild hearing loss 5 6 ABR + OAE Disposable costs vary depending on OAE fail rate
D: ABR and OAE NICU or Well-Baby Nursery Will aid in detecting neural hearing loss2 Time and cost intensive compared to other protocols ABR + OAE Disposable cost and test time is higher than one technology test or two-tier tests 4

1 Berg, Prieve, Serpanos, & Wheaton, 2011; 2 Kirkim, Serbetcioglu, Erdag, & Ceryan, 2008; 3Norton et al., 2000; 4 Hoff et al., 2000; 5 Johnson et al .,2005; 6 Gravel et al., 2005; 7 Vohr et al., 2001

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