Advocacy takes place in many ways, including self-advocacy, so thank you for raising your voice over the substantial challenges of maintaining adequate workspace and quality learning environments for audiologists and SLPs in schools. This is an issue that should not be an issue, as it reflects basic necessities for practicing in schools. We hear you, and we share your disappointment and frustration that these workspace condition issues persist in many schools.
While school administrators typically are the decisionmakers in allocating workspace, and we have no direct influence over them as we are not a union, we will continue to support efforts by members at the local level to advocate for change by updating resources and supports that will help administrators and principals understand the negative impact of inadequate working conditions on clinicians and students. When we engage locally, with partners and allies, sharing information, we greatly increase our chances of success.
Further, in the coming weeks, ASHA will work on the following activities to elevate support of members in advocating for adequate workspace in schools:
We will continue to share information on these new advocacy resources through ASHA Now and the ASHA website.
Appropriate School Facilities for Students With Speech-Language-Hearing Disorders
Advocating for Change [PDF]