Volunteer Opportunity: Competency Framework Model Development - SME's Needed

August 16, 2024

Type of Opportunity: Face-to-face

Sign-Up Expiration Date: 9/6/2024

Interest Area: Competency Framework Models

Contact Person (Email): Donna Smiley (dsmiley@asha.org)

Time Commitment: 1–3 months

Travel: Travel is required

Description of Opportunity:

In 2021, the ASHA Board of Directors approved the addition of Strategic Objective #9 to ASHA’s Strategic Pathway to “transform learning across the discipline.” Current work on this Strategic Objective is focused on the idea of developing competency framework models for each profession. 

Competency models refer to collections of knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics (KSAOs) that are needed for effective performance in a particular area (e.g., audiology and speech-language pathology) ranging from entry-level positions/tasks to advanced/specialized tasks in a profession.

The long-term objective of having these competency framework models is to use them to develop or inform

  • educational offerings,
  • assessments,
  • scopes of practice,
  • standards,
  • professional development activities,
  • employment criteria,
  • up-skilling/re-skilling requirements,
  • job positions and their descriptions,
  • performance evaluations,
  • organizational outcomes, and much more.

We are looking for a small, diverse group of ASHA-certified (CCC-A, CCC-SLP or CCC-A/SLP) subject matter experts (SMEs)—from the audiology and speech-language pathology professions and from different work settings—to participate in a facilitated, intensive work session to identify specific KSAOs for audiology and speech-language pathology. You do not need to be an expert in competency framework models to participate; we are seeking individuals who are interested in the concept of using a competency framework model* and who can contribute knowledge in a specific practice area of our professions.

*A competency framework model and competency-based education (CBE) are related but are not synonymous terms. A competency framework model is a structured system that defines the skills, knowledge, and behaviors needed for a specific job or role. CBE is a method of academic instruction and evaluation based on a student demonstrating entry-level competency of a knowledge and/or skill.

This work session will take place at the ASHA National Office from Thursday, November 7 (9:00 a.m. ET) to Sunday, November 10, 2024 (2:00 p.m. ET). Participants will arrive in Rockville, Maryland on Wednesday, November 6 and will depart Sunday evening. Expenses for this trip will be covered by ASHA. Those who apply to participate must be able to attend all 4 days of the work session.

If you are interested in being an SME for this work session, please complete this online application. Questions about the work session may be directed to dsmiley@asha.org. Thank you for considering this volunteer opportunity.

Experience Required: We are looking for a small, diverse group of ASHA-certified (CCC-A, CCC-SLP or CCC-A/SLP) subject matter experts (SMEs)—from the audiology and speech-language pathology professions and from different work settings—to participate in a facilitated, intensive work session to identify specific KSAOs for audiology and speech-language pathology. You do not need to be an expert in competency framework models to participate; we are seeking individuals who are interested in the concept of using a competency framework model* and who can contribute knowledge in a specific practice area of our professions.

Task Deadline: 9/6/2024

Level of Effort: Moderate

Number of Volunteers Needed: Approximately 20

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