ASHA Continuing Education Fees

Provider Related Fees

Please note: Some fees listed below are subject to tax.

2024 2025 2026
Provider Application Review Fees
Provider Application $1,000 $1,750 $1,750
Expedited Provider Application $2,175 $3,400 $3,400
Provider Organizational Change Review Fee $500 $500 $500
Provider Annual Fees
  $900 $975 $1050
5-Year Review Fees
(Fee dependent on level of compliance during review period)
  $350 $350 $350
$500 $500 $500
$1,000 $1,000 $1,000
Cooperative Agreement Fee Per Offering
$400 for the first course offering and $50 for any subsequent offering of the same course
$400 $400 $400
  $400 $400 $400
Processing Fee
Fee is charged when ASHA CE staff must manually update participant information for 10+ offerings or for 50 or more participants due to inaccurate reporting
$500 $500 $500

Participant Fees (charged by ASHA)

Member Nonmember
CE Registry $28 $38
CE Registry Transcript $0 $0
Award for Continuing Education (ACE) Certificate $25 $30

Questions? Contact the ASHA CE Registry at 301-296-8591.

ASHA Corporate Partners