We Are Communicating and I Express Myself Posters
We Are Communicating and I Express Myself Posters
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Made exclusively for ASHA by artist Sandra Magsamen, these colorful posters express Magsamen’s belief that communication is at the heart of all relationships and it is her heartfelt wish that these posters inspire others to share who they are, express what they dream to be, and embrace life, the people, and moments that matter.

We are Communicating Poster explores the importance of communication, both with and without words. Magsamen believes there is great power in using the perfect words strung together to say what we feel, and to also listen, understand, and speak from our hearts when there are no words.  It is the belief that all human beings want to connect, to belong, to love, and be loved that inspired Magsamen to create this poster.

I Express Myself Poster was created to celebrate the many ways we can express ourselves with and without words. Using sign language, giving a hug, talking, and writing a story are just some of the ways people express themselves and these are all depicted in Magsamen’s vibrant artwork. This poster celebrates the unique, creative, authentic, and even practical ways we can "speak" and make meaningful connections with the people we care about in our lives. 

Sandra Magsamen is a mom, wife, sister, daughter, artist, and art therapist. Through her work, she has touched millions of people, one heart at a time. She creates art and ideas that inspire, teach, encourage, and motivate people to communicate what is in their hearts. Through unique, creative, and meaningful products, Sandra shows people how to embrace an artful lifestyle that enhances their ability to connect, belong, love, and be loved. Her products and lifestyle messages embrace creativity, playfulness, laughter, imagination, meaning, and self-discovery in all aspects of life.

Product Information

Item #(s): 0113032
Format(s): Poster
Language: English

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