Publications / School-Based Issues

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8 Products

School-Age Language Intervention: Evidence-Based Practices—Second Edition
Format(s): Books
This book addresses the fundamentals of being an SLP in the schools—including service delivery, assessment, the foundation and framework for intervention, and federal rules and regulations.
Goal Writing for the Speech-Language Pathologist and Special Educator: Bridging the Gap Between Assessment and Intervention
Format(s): Books
A practical guide on how to bridge the gap between the ability to assess, interpret, and analyze assessment information in order to derive functional goals for intervention.
Speech-Language Pathologists in Public Schools: Making a Difference for America’s Children
Format(s): Books
This book covers all the key issues for SLPs working in public schools, including legislative foundations, Individualized Education Program (IEP) processes and procedures, service delivery considerations, and appropriate models for the school setting.
The SLP’s IEP Companion, 3rd Edition
Format(s): Books
This book is a resource for planning individualized intervention and writing Individualized Education Program (IEP) goals for children and adolescents.
Phonological Awareness Training Program: A Speech Language Pathologist’s Tool for Training Teachers
Format(s): Books, eBook
The Phonological Awareness Training Program (PATP) is a complete resource for speech-language pathologists who want to provide professional development for classroom educators in phonological awareness knowledge, skills, and instructional methods to improve children’s literacy outcomes.
Member: $44.00
Nonmember: $57.00
Member: $39.00
Nonmember: $52.00

Best Seller
RTI in Action Best Buy
Format(s): Books
Buy both RTI in Action: Oral Language Activities for K–2 Classrooms and RTI in Action, Grades 3—5: Oral and Written Language Activities for the Common Core State Standards and save 10% off the regular price!
Best Seller
RTI in Action, Grades 3—5: Oral and Written Language Activities for the Common Core State Standards
Format(s): Books
Written for SLPs and teachers working in grades 3–5, this book follows-up on the popular RTI in Action: Oral Language Activities for K–2 Classrooms.An increasing number of school districts in the United States have adopted a Response to Intervention (RTI) model to provide support to general education students within the classroom. The majority of states also have adopted the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) to guide instruction and prepare students for college and careers.
From 1 to 9: $59.00
10 or more: $53.10
From 1 to 9: $77.00
10 or more: $69.30
Best Seller
RTI in Action: Oral Language Activities for K–2 Classrooms
Format(s): Books
RTI in Action: Oral Language Activities for K–2 Classrooms capitalizes on the power of collaboration between speech-language pathologists (SLPs) and teachers. Designed to enhance K–2 students’ oral language skills, the book offers practical activities based on general education curricular standards and provides specific, straightforward strategies to help SLPs and teachers modify instruction.
From 1 to 9: $49.00
10 or more: $44.10
From 1 to 9: $64.00
10 or more: $57.50

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