State Caseload and Salary Data Map

This interactive map provides information on the median caseload sizes and median salaries of ASHA certified, school-based SLPs from the  2022 ASHA Schools Survey data available for each state. ASHA conducts the Schools Survey every two years to gather information on professional issues related to school-based services. In each survey, a random sample of almost 8,500 ASHA-certified, school-based, speech-language pathologists are selected to participate. Not every state had sufficient data points for the 2022 Schools Survey, so the latest survey year that had a sufficient number of responses was utilized.

This map is interactive. You can use your mouse to hover over or select a state on the map to see that state’s information. In the chart on the right, you can sort information alphabetically by state or numerically by median caseload or median salary, if you click the white triangle in each header cell. You can select a region or sub-region in small regions box to highlight a specific portion of the country.

Information regarding each state's caseload standards [PDF] was gathered separately from each state and is not part of the Schools Survey results.

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